Thursday 6 August 2015

Lush cosmetics summer 2015 collection @ Blogger event part one

Hi guys & dolls 💜 

Yesterday I was lucky enough to be invited to the Lush Warrington blogging event they held there for the release of the new summer products & to see the oxford exclusives that are now in store! 

We were given a very warm welcome by the staff, who had set up all ready for our arrival. After a lovely glass (or two) of Buck's Fizz we started off with making our very own bubble bar! 
We started off by putting two ingredients    (I cannot remember for the life of me) into the bowl and giving it a good mix.

We then added some coca butter (I Think) which was all lumpy so we had to really crumble it to avoid any large lumps, (my hand cramped up 🙈) 

Lastly, we mixed in some colouring stuff which smelt amazing and was so bright, it instantly started to change the colourless bath melt. Obviously I managed to get some up my arm! The colour nearly matched my hair! 💜 
Mix mix mix!! 
You can still see some lumps we couldn't get rid off 😂
After giving it all a good mix, we were left with a huge mount of soft bubble bar, which looks a bit like a mixture of the comforter & creamy candy. We each took a portion each and made it into which ever shape we wanted, with different coloured flowers to decorate. 

I attempted a crescent moon which looked okay-ish when I had finished, but when I got home I found that it had fallen apart as it was still really soft and needed 48 hours to set. 

Safe to say I really enjoyed myself doing this! 

Anyone else made a product from Lush before? 

         Cattie Xx 

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